Physics tells us that all objects have a wavelength and a frequency and resonate given the right environment. I say all objects have a music of their own, a frequency and a rhythm that reflects their composition(pun intended). This refers to non-living objects not tuned yet, musical instruments waiting to be tuned or played, living beings - humans, non-human animals, insects, plants and trees and the super living - planetary objects. And as such anything that exists has a music - common creation that is closest to music is a poem.
A poem is born with a music of its own, driven by the expression it manifests. It is no surprise then that poets and poetesses sing their poems and not just read it. Most compositions especially in the west are written and composed by the same person. In fact, it is a bit odd that some poems are not composed by their creators but a composer like in Bollywood, or may be they are? Is it the case then that Musicians really adorn the inherent song in the poem, make it in tune for the instruments that would get played.
Is it a corollary then that well written poems result in better songs and vice versa and reflect the reason the evergreen quotient of Bollywood songs continues to be on the decline.